Corporate Internal Sustainable Supply Chain Policy


Sustainability is at the core of PCS Wireless’ business operations. PCS Wireless (“PCS”) promotes and practices sustainable development throughout its value chain and PCS complies with the sustainable guiding principles of the UN Global Compact, relative to Human Rights, Labor, the Environment and Anti-Corruption. This is a basic tenet of PCS whenever, and wherever it conducts business- domestically or internationally, with small suppliers or large alike.

All employees (permanent and temporary), directors, officers, members, and contractors of PCS are required to comply with the requirements set out in this policy. As such, all PCS employees are expected to read this policy, to be familiar with it, to abide by it, and to ask if they have any uncertainties related to it, from the day they are hired and thereafter.

The standards required of PCS are at a minimum:

Sustainability is at the core of PCS Wireless’ business operations. PCS Wireless (“PCS”) promotes and practices sustainable development throughout its value chain and PCS complies with the sustainable guiding principles of the UN Global Compact, relative to Human Rights, Labor, the Environment and Anti-Corruption. This is a basic tenet of PCS whenever, and wherever it conducts business- domestically or internationally, with small suppliers or large alike.

All employees (permanent and temporary), directors, officers, members, and contractors of PCS are required to comply with the requirements set out in this policy. As such, all PCS employees are expected to read this policy, to be familiar with it, to abide by it, and to ask if they have any uncertainties related to it, from the day they are hired and thereafter.

The standards required of PCS are at a minimum:

1. Business ethics and legal compliance

  • to comply with all applicable national and international laws, regulations and generally accepted practices, such as, but not limited to, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the United Kingdom Bribery Act (UKBA);
  • not to participate in or support any form of corruption, bribery and money laundering, by, among others, not paying bribers or other illegal payments to obtain or retain business or to facilitate favorable decisions or services, whether to government (as detailed in the Procurement Integrity Act), or non-government persons;
  • not to offer any lavish or excessive gifts, entertainment or invitations to PCS Wireless’s employees. Any gifts, entertainment or hospitality must be reasonable and suitable and reflect the national laws and business custom;
  • not to directly or indirectly provide or accept gifts in the form of cash or cash equivalent;
  • when requested, to provide information concerning this policy related to its business with PCS Wireless, as well as report actively any deficiencies that may appear in the information it provides;
  • to act with integrity in all business relationships. For PCS Wireless, integrity means honesty and strong moral principles.

2. Human and labor rights

  • to comply with all applicable national laws and regulations regarding human rights and labor rights, as well as acknowledge changes in them;
  • to respect the protection of human rights and comply with the principles of the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. These include the freedom of association, the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the abolition of forced labor, and equality of opportunity and treatment;
  • to pay at least the minimum wage required by national laws for regular working hours, overtime hours and overtime differentials; not to employ or do business with subcontractors or suppliers that employ persons under the minimum age, the age of 15 or the mandatory school age defined by national law, whichever is higher. Employing persons above the minimum age but below 18 may not interfere with their schooling or harm their health, safety or morals;
  • not to use forced labor in any form or do business with subcontractors or suppliers doing so;
  • not to retain government-issued identity documents, passports, work permits, or ask for any other unreasonable deposits or fees (e.g. recruitment or hiring fees) as a condition of employment;
  • not to discriminate in hiring, compensation, training opportunities, promotion, termination of employment, or retirement based on race, age, gender, social class, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, marital or maternal status, union membership, political affiliation, or other comparable reasons;
  • not to perform or support physical punishment or physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse;
  • to ensure that contractors at site have adequate and decent accommodation

3. Occupational health and safety

  • to comply with all applicable national laws and regulations regarding occupational health and safety, as well as acknowledge changes in them;
  • to provide a safe, healthy and well-managed working environment;
  • to prevent incidents, injuries and occupational disease;
  • to allocate enough resources and the required competence for providing a healthy and safe work place;
  • to have a process to identify and evaluate work-related hazards and relevant controls and based on this assessment then implement safe systems of work. These systems shall be monitored by management, kept up-to-date and continuously improved;
  • to instruct personnel in mitigation of hazards, risk controls and safe work methods;
  • to provide personnel with appropriate occupational health services, including statutory insurance coverage, and all necessary training required by applicable laws;
  • to report and investigate all health and safety incidents.

4. Environmental Management

  • to comply with all applicable national laws and regulations regarding occupational health and safety, as well as acknowledge changes in them;
  • to provide a safe, healthy and well-managed working environment;
  • to prevent incidents, injuries and occupational disease;
  • to allocate enough resources and the required competence for providing a healthy and safe work place;
  • to instruct personnel in the environmental aspects, controls and procedures associated with their work tasks;
  • to appropriately sort and forward waste, according to applicable laws, for reusing or recycling to minimize the environmental impacts, and to appropriately process and dispose hazardous waste;
  • to identify substances that are hazardous to the environment or health and use, store and dispose the substances in a safe and controlled way;
  • to keep up-to-date safety data sheets and instructions for eventual accidents and apply a plan to replace hazardous substances with less hazardous alternatives;
  • to maintain emergency action plans to ensure all environmental accidents are managed to minimize consequences; to strive towards continually reducing the use of energy, raw materials and water as well as minimizing waste and emissions to air, water and soil.

5. Products and Services

  • to maintain a proactive approach to product safety by, among others, ensuring that the products supplied to others meet mandatory product safety requirements and identifying, evaluating and managing all risks related to the use of the products;
  • not to use any restricted materials in its supply to others;

6. General Requirements

  • to designate a person within the company to be responsible for following and developing the principles set forth in this policy;
  • to have a remediation process in place in case of human rights, health and safety or environment violations;
  • to report any violations or breaches of this policy to appropriate parties. Any personnel and stakeholder can report their concerns anonymously to PCS management.
Chaim T. Nash President and CEO PCS Wireless LLC  

Contact Info

You may contact us at [email protected]  or at the following address:

PCS Wireless, LLC 11 Vreeland Road Florham Park, NJ 07932

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