The Modern Slavery Act 2015 received Royal Assent on Thursday 26th March 2015 and fully came into force in UK on Thursday 29th October 2015. This law requires businesses which supply goods or services and have an annual turnover exceeding £36 million to disclose information regarding their policies to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from within their businesses and supply chain.

PCS Wireless is a Global Leader in the supply of new and pre-owned Smartphones, Accessories, Laptops, Tablets and Technological Equipment in general. PCS Wireless supplies leading Mobile and Technology brands to Operators, Retailers, Insurers & Resellers whilst reducing the carbon footprint and safeguarding the environment through its channels of distribution in making preowned products widely accessible. The following compliance measures apply:
Written policies and procedures
PCS Wireless details the rules and procedures by which we treat fellow employees, including transparent and fair behaviour, (such as protecting human rights) compliance with labour legislation, including fundamental rights at work, (including freedom of association and elimination of discrimination throughout employment).

Human Rights
As part of our continuous improvement processes, PCS Wireless ensures that basic Human Rights are upheld and that all areas of business are compliant with international human rights standards. All employees are treated equally and in a fair and transparent manner, including adherence to the Working Time Directive and Minimum Wage legislation.

PCS Wireless HR policy provides for the termination of employees found to be involved in any breach of the law banning forced labour, slavery and human trafficking. PCS Wireless continues to review and update its policies and procedures to ensure that it provides appropriate safeguards against any mistreatment of persons within the business or its supply chain.
Written policies and procedures
PCS Wireless does not tolerate forced labour, slavery or human trafficking within its business or in its direct supply chain. We communicate our ethical principles of conducting business and associated expectations to our supply chain. Our suppliers are expected to comply with our strict requirements in eradicating forced labour, slavery and human trafficking.

Supplier observance
As the Modern Slavery Act 2015 becomes embedded in the business, new Suppliers that are appointed by PCS Wireless are requested to confirm that they strictly observe all applicable labour and employment laws wherever it operates in the world; including eradicating and prohibiting forced labour, child labour, domestic servitude, sex trafficking and workplace abuse. PCS Wireless does not conduct business with suppliers who knowingly fail to satisfy our strict demands in this regard.

PCS Wireless has a zero tolerance policy towards violations of the laws banning forced labour, slavery and human trafficking. Whenever possible, new PCS Wireless contractual agreements will permit the termination of contracts with suppliers for a single violation.


Lazer Herson

This Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking statement was last updated on January 21, 2025