Reverse Logistics
Reverse Logistics are at the heart of our expertise
Our process ensures convenience, quality and satisfaction, whether you are purchasing from us or selling to us. We prepare products for resale responsibly and securely.
1. Receive

PCS ensures that all products are conveniently and securely managed



We will pick up equipment from your facilities and transport to one of our facilities. We physically receive all equipment into PCS owned and operated facilities, ensuring chain of custody.
2. Process

Once within a PCS facility, our process ensures accurate and comprehensive grading for both cosmetics and functionality






Every device is tracked throughout the entire PCS supply chain, providing a clear chain of custody. Data sanitization takes place using ADISA-certified Asset Science content clearing software. All devices are sorted and triaged by cosmetic condition. Equipment is testing using Asset Science’s market-leading diagnostic software, to identify any technical failures. Devices receive a final cosmetic grade, ensuring they can be precisely marketed.
3. Prepare

Before reselling our products are subjected to a rigorous QC process and re-wiped


Quality Control


Finished Goods

Devices are re-wiped to ensure no data from the testing process is present, and updated to the most recent software version. Devices are subjected to rigorous quality control and backed by the company’s limited warranty. All pre-owned functional or new devices are fully re-kitted for resale. PCS maintains physical inventory of more than 3000 SKU across all products conditions and technologies.
4. Ship

Market-ready devices are speedily distributed to our network of 2,500 distributors around the world


PCS will pick, pack and ship credit-approved orders on the same day they are received, ensuring wait times are low.